DD Giranar October time Table std 6 to 8
DD Giranar October time Table Std 6 to 8
In this post of the blog, you are given the timetable of standard one and two. DD Girnar Give the time table of the program being aired on DD Girnar.
If DD Girnar broadcasts programs for children to learn at home on a daily basis through the medium of Sarkar, you can see the video of the simple presentation of these programs on DD Girnar. Downloaded the timetable of October
The following is a list of the programs that will be aired in the month of October in the following PDF file. With the help of this PDF file you will get information on which day the subject will be studied. To get this information you have to click on this PDF file. It will have to be communicated to your students so that the child can know for himself on what day and on what subject