October Ekam Ksoti Aayojan
Unit test Ayojan - October 2020
The unit test is conducted every month. This month's unit test is planned in this post. In the unit test taken in the month of October, in which standard the unit test will be taken and in which details all the details are given in this post. Clicking on the download button will download a PDF file. Inside this PDF file is a list of standard and subject unit tests and a list of chapters so that the child can prepare for his unit test according to that chapter and North for very good in unit test
To download the unit test plan you have to click on clear to download then your google play will open in which you will be given a link. Using this link you will be able to download the unit test directly. After downloading the PDF of the unit test you You can send it through social media so that the child can prepare himself and get good marks in the exam. If the link of unit test is given below then you can download from there and the information of unit test.